
urban weekly #59

urban weekly #59

Good to know

Algorithms we develop software by - Write everything twice is a great advice for junior engineers. engineering, career hot
Awesome Opensource Boilerplates - A curated list of open source boilerplates and starter templates to kickstart your next project. awesome, boilerplates
Centering things: a solved problem? - Is it really solved? Can't I make any jokes about it anymore? css hot
How I ship projects at big tech companies - I have shipped a lot of different projects over the last ~10 years in tech. Here’s what I think about when I’m leading a project and what I’ve seen people get wrong. projects, shipping
All the data can be yours - How to use various sources to fetch data apis
No more redundant engineering debates: Creating alignment and clarity with ADRs - Architectural Decision Records (ADRs) are the key to documenting crucial decisions, enhancing team alignment. Learn the essentials of ADRs, including practical tips for creating clear, concise records engineering
5 Frameworks To Master Communication And Influence As An Engineer - Maven's cofounder (backed by a16z, First Round) shares proven frameworks from coaching leaders at top Silicon Valley startups communication
Introducing the vlt Package Manager & Serverless Registry - After spending the past six months heads-down, we’re excited to share our foundational Package Manager Client & Serverless Registry. javascript
Node.js v22 Enters Long Term Support (LTS) - You can now upgrade your nodejs versions. nodejs hot
JavaScript Import Attributes (ES2025) - Understanding the new import attributes syntax and why we can't rely on file extensions alone javascript, es2025
Essential tsconfig.json options you should use - Learn what to configure in your tsconfig tsconfig, typescript
What I Wish Someone Told Me About Postgres - Everybody should know about normalizing the data! databases
Framer Motion is now independent, introducing Motion - Twi big changes: new home at motion.dev and not only a react library anymore. animations
Next.js to htmx — A Real World Example - Learn how the url shortener kutt.it did it. htmx
An official logo for CSS - CSS has a new logo! css
Conditional Props in React Using Type Discrimination - Generics vs Type Discrimination types
We’re (finally!) going to the cloud! - Stack Overflow moves to the GCP! stackoverflow
I Followed the Official AWS Amplify Guide and was Charged $1,100 - Be cautious blindly following official docs aws

Read it! Read it! Read it!

Everything I've learned so far about running local LLMs - If you want to dig into local LLMs you should read this first. llms, ai hot
Dumb Leadership Mistakes I’ve Made - You will need to make these mistakes for yourself. leadership hot

Code and Tools

IconCalc - Main engine of the IronCalc ecosystem rust, spreadsheets hot
Mergiraf - A syntax-aware git merge driver for a growing collection of programming languages and file formats. git, merge
Frame0 - Make hand-drawn style wireframes quickly and easily. wireframes
H1 Gallery - A collection of the best marketing headlines on the internet. gallery
Hono OpenAPI - A plugin for Hono to generate OpenAPI Swagger documentation hono, openapi hot
Maxun - Free, open-source no-code web data extraction platform. scraper
Spin - Spin is a framework for building, deploying, and running fast, secure, and composable cloud microservices with WebAssembly. infra
formity - Formity is an advanced form-building package designed to help React developers create dynamic, multi-step forms with ease. forms
Windsurf Editor - The first agentic IDE, and then some. The Windsurf Editor is where the work of developers and AI truly flow together, allowing for a coding experience that feels like literal magic. ai, editors
SQL Style Guide - Guidelines for SQL sql
Websitevice - Website examples for inspiration gallery
khoj - Your AI second brain. Self-hostable. Get answers from the web or your docs. Build custom agents, schedule automations, do deep research. Turn any online or local LLM into your personal, autonomous AI (e.g gpt, claude, gemini, llama, qwen, mistral). ai
libSQL - libSQL is a fork of SQLite that is both Open Source, and Open Contributions. databases

All about Design

Beautiful focus outlines - Anytime thought about customizing the default focus outlines? css, focus hot


Creating an ASCII Shader Using OGL - Explore the world of shaders with this easy-to-follow guide to creating a custom ASCII art animation using WebGL, Perlin noise, and GLSL. ascii, generative-art hot
The Different (and Modern) Ways to Toggle Content - Pure css and html ftw! html, css


How To Build The Future: Sam Altman - Y Combinator startups
Wat - I haven't seen this lightning talk in a while and it's still AWESOME. ruby, javascript hot
weekly news
Published on 2024-11-18, last updated on 2025-03-03 by Adam
Comments or questions? Open a new discussion on github.
Adam Urban

Adam Urban is fullstack engineer, loves serverless and generative art, and is building side projects like weeklyfoo.com, flethy.com and diypunks.xyz in his free time.