
Left-handed software engineering across the stack yada yada yada

Hey there! I'm Adam, Software Engineer from Germany working remoteley for Camunda.

I've been in software development for over 10 years now, and after a long time in backend development and an excursion into team management, I ended up in full stack development. And I am more than satisfied with that.

My free time belongs to my family, but whenever time permits I work on my projects or start new ones, generate art programmatically, or occasionally write blog posts on topics I find interesting.

To stay up to date I read articles about web development, design and tools. Since it has become a daily routine, I have started to turn it into a weekly newsletter. So if you are interested in everything about TypeScript, JavaScript, NodeJS, Rust and UI/UX, check out weeklyfoo.com.

My latest projects are flethy.com, ethme.at and diypunks.xyz.

Introducing weeklyfoo
1/28/2024 blog

Introducing weeklyfoo

Introducing weeklyfoo

Codespaces can become a game changer
10/13/2023 blog

Codespaces can become a game changer

Cloudflare pages direct upload with stable preview urls
9/30/2023 blog

Cloudflare pages direct upload with stable preview urls

Building your own Twitter Thread Generator
3/5/2023 blog

Building your own Twitter Thread Generator

Be an orchestration hero
1/30/2023 blog

Be an orchestration hero

300 APIs integrated in minutes, not days
1/30/2023 blog

300 APIs integrated in minutes, not days

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