
urban weekly #32

urban weekly #32

Good to know

Why Cloudflare is the Best Alternative to Vercel in 2024 - This article explores Vercel features, comparing to similar products from the Cloudflare Ecosystem. cloudflare, vercel
Hono v4.3.0 - Next minor release of Hono hono
3 Critical Skills You Need to Grow Beyond Senior Levels in Engineering - Applicable to both technical and managerial tracks career
5 Node Version Managers Compared – Which is Right for You? - Didn't know you can use pnpm to manage node versions nodejs
VPS Showdown – May 2024 – DigitalOcean vs. Linode vs. Vultr - Detailed comparison of VPS providers. vps, benchmark
Poor Express Authentication Patterns in Node.js and How to Avoid Them - Practical advice if you're using express. nodejs, express
What we learned building our SaaS with Rust - Always loving this first-hand experiences. rust
Docusaurus 3.3 - Next minor release of Docusaurus docusaurus
Dont have F-You money? Build an F-You Network. - Guide to build a network. career
transparent borders - Don't remove borders from components, make them transparent. css
Astro 4.8 - Astro Actions! astro
Is my host fast yet? - Real-world server response (Time to First Byte) latencies, as experienced by real-world users navigating the web. performance
Taking regular screenshots of my website - Great idea. Will implement this for my sites as well! screenshots

Read it! Read it! Read it!

Text Manipulation Kung Fu for the Aspiring Black Belt - Everyone needs that belt! text
eu/acc - European Accelerationism. Europ, please wake up. startups

Code and Tools

Stirling-PDF - Locally hosted web application that allows you to perform various operations on PDF files pdfs
UI Colors - Tailwind CSS Color Generator tailwind, css
Pushkeen - Curated collection of the latest push notifications patterns from mobile apps, reflecting the best in growth and user re-activation collection
Chromicons - handcrafted Open Source Icons icons
Fastfetch - Like neofetch, but much faster because written mostly in C. cli
Pechkin - Asynchronous Node.js file upload (multipart/form-data) handling. nodejs
node-screenshots - Zero-dependent. A native nodejs screenshots library for Mac, Windows, Linux. screenshots
Bree - Bree is a Node.js and JavaScript job task scheduler with worker threads, cron, Date, and human syntax. scheduler, cron
Baileys - Lightweight full-featured typescript/javascript WhatsApp Web API whatsapp
CSS Text Box Trim - CSS Text Box Trim is a CSS property that allows you to remove the leading whitespace from a block of text. css
React Awesome Reveal - React components to add reveal animations using the Intersection Observer API and CSS Animations. react
Icones - Icon Explorer with Instant searching, powered by Iconify icons
tinyworldmap - tinyworldmap is a tiny world map for offline-first and low-bandwidth web apps maps
SaaS Boilerplate - SaaS Boilerplate built with Next.js + Tailwind CSS + Shadcn UI + TypeScript. nextjs, tailwind, shadcn, typescript, boilerplate
EasyFrontend - 700+ Free UI Components With Code Editor ui
fullwindcss - Extend your tailwind colors colors, tailwind
Fabric.js - Javascript Canvas Library, SVG-to-Canvas (& canvas-to-SVG) Parser canvas, svg
SVG Viewer - View, edit, and optimize SVGs svg

All about Design

Small laboratory of fine UI - Website and components designed and built by mrncst ui
Time-based CSS Animations - With some nice examples. css
The Sound of Software - A story about how to use sound in software. sound


cat-names - Get popular cat names cats


Production-Grade TypeScript - How the Effect library can help. typescript
What's new in Node js v22 - Walk through the Node.js v22 (and v22.1.0) announcements nodejs
Seamless drag and drop between applications - Drag'n'Drop between apps with Browser APIs dnd
weekly news
Published on 2024-05-13, last updated on 2024-10-18 by Adam
Comments or questions? Open a new discussion on github.
Adam Urban

Adam Urban is fullstack engineer, loves serverless and generative art, and is building side projects like weeklyfoo.com, flethy.com and diypunks.xyz in his free time.