
urban weekly #1

urban weekly #1

Good to know

The Absolute Minimum Every Software Developer Must Know About Unicode in 2023 - Ever wanted to learn the basics about Unicode? Read this blog post by Nikita. unicode, knowledge
Gmail is getting emoji reactions - lol, but y? gmail
Cloud Costs Every Programmer Should Know - A basic understanding about what your resources cost is essential. cloud, costs

Read it! Read it! Read it!

Death by a thousand microservices - What a fun and really good blog post. One of my highlights this week. architecture
Was Javascript really made in 10 days? - TLDR: no ;) javascript

Code and Tools

instant.dev - New Postgres-focused ORM library available! orm, postgres
Epic Easing - Easily create curve animations css
VaVite - Develop server side apps with Vite vite, server
zany - easy, free & configurable hosted favicons favicons
easy-speech - Cross browser Speech Synthesis also known as Text to speech or TTS; no dependencies; uses Web Speech API speech
charts css - It uses CSS utility classes to style HTML elements as charts. css, charts
craft.js - React framework for building powerful & feature-rich drag-n-drop page editors react, page editor

All about Design

UserStock - Free photos of people's faces to use as avatars in UI mockups, prototypes and more. photos, people
neobrutalism components - A collection of type-safe components written in React and Tailwind react, components
Harmony - Accessible UI Color Palette colors, a11y
9 Simple But Powerful UX Writing Tips for Designers in 2024 - Quick read with some good advice. ux, writing
Color Claims - Super simple but nice two color combinations colors


Shuttle - Build & ship backends without writing any infrastructure files, for Rust! rust, infra
weekly news
Published on 2023-10-07, last updated on 2024-07-26 by Adam
Comments or questions? Open a new discussion on github.
Adam Urban

Adam Urban is fullstack engineer, loves serverless and generative art, and is building side projects like weeklyfoo.com, flethy.com and diypunks.xyz in his free time.