


January 01, 2011 - July 31, 2011


At the FZI, I already wrote my diploma thesis in the field of healthcare and aimed for a PhD in the context of Ambient Assisted Living. During this time, I was able to work with other European research institutions on projects like universAAL.

However, I had to realize that I am not made for research ;)

The FZI Forschungszentrum Informatik (Research Center for Information Technology), is a non-profit research institute for applied computer science in Karlsruhe, Germany. FZI was established in 1985. FZI has very close collaborations with Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), but is not affiliated to KIT Karlsruhe.

Karlsruhe Germany science research computer science
Published on 2011-01-01, last updated on 2025-03-04 by Adam
Comments or questions? Open a new discussion on github.
Adam Urban

Adam Urban is fullstack engineer, loves serverless and generative art, and is building side projects like weeklyfoo.com, flethy.com and diypunks.xyz in his free time.